Games to Look forward to in 2021
Well, we all did it. We made it to 2021! With the previous year behind us, we can all look forward to a year that is much more hopeful than the last (the year that shall not be named) and what better way to do that than get hyped for the plethora of games that are planned for release this year. From triple A titles to smaller indie releases, here are some games this year that I’m excited to get my hands on.
NEO: The World Ends with You
This year is already looking bright for Square Enix’s cult RPG gem as it’s finally getting a (no pun intended TWEWY fans) second chance at life! Not only are we getting an anime adaptation of the original The World Ends with You this Spring, but we are also getting a full sequel in the form of NEO: The World Ends with You. Square Enix’s weird naming conventions strike again.
Whilst playing as the game’s main protagonist, Rindo, you’ll be fighting enemies within Tetsuya Nomura’s stylish rendition of Shibuya using the series’ unique pin system to determine your moveset. The battle system has had a massive makeover as not only has the series made its debut into the third dimension, but battles will be done with four party members rather than the original’s maximum of two by the looks of the trailer. With the popularity of the franchise getting bigger due to more exposure, I’m hoping that this game shows newcomers the addictiveness of this series and helps it become of big hit for Square Enix when it releases later this summer.
Out of all the games on this list, Housemarque Games’ newest project is probably the biggest enigma for me. Even after seeing the most recent trailers showcasing it’s third-person action style gameplay, there are so many questions that it leaves me with that it makes it more intriguing. Does the game have randomly generated items for you to discover like a rogue-like game? Does the game’s emphasis on coming back repeatedly after death imply challenging yet fair difficulty? On top of the uniquely desolate areas that the game presents, as well as the nightmarish monster designs shown off so far, this game is bound to be a fascinating game to discover everything that the world it presents has to offer, as well as inevitably having my own questions answered when the game releases this April.
New Pokémon Snap
After over 20 years, the Nintendo 64 classic is FINALLY getting a sequel! New Pokémon Snap (yes that is the name for the sequel) now has eight generations of Pokémon to add to the list of the little pocket monsters that you can take photos of in this game, meaning that the selection they choose will be much bigger than the grand total of 63 Pokémon that were in the original game in this case, the game now has over 200 Pokémon. The game itself looks gorgeous, presenting multiple areas across the new Lental Region, varying from forest to oceans, showcasing Pokémon living in their natural habitats, and the graphical fidelity honestly puts Sword and Shield to shame (granted that’s not hard to do). Not only that, but you will be investigating the existence of Illumina Pokémon (totally not the same as dynamax Pokémon). I’m looking forward to sitting back, unwinding and taking photos of some of my favourite Pokémon when the game comes out this April.
I don’t tend to play or be interested in many Noir inspired games, but Backbone, with it’s gorgeous 2.5D visuals and a world whose setting and tone feels like a mix between series such as Blacksad and Beastars, has me intrigued as to how its main character, Howard Lotor, falls into the cases presented as you explore the world with a mix of point-and-click, stealth and multiple dialogue choices, which hope to lead to multiple outcomes and further replay value. Backbone is slated to be released sometime this year and when it does come out, I’ll be looking forward to diving into this world and seeing what is lurking in its shadows.
Persona 5 Strikers
A Dynasty Warriors spinoff of one of the most impactful JRPGs in recent years, Persona 5 Strikers looks to be a brilliant way to bring a new genre to the series whilst being faithful to the Persona series. Taking place merely six months after the events of the original Persona 5, Joker returns to Tokyo to spend the summer holidays with the remaining members of the Phantom Thieves, only to be thrust into a new mystery involving the appearance of ‘Jails’, as well as the mysterious newcomer to the series, Sophia.
The game itself, will involve you ploughing through hundreds of enemies at once whilst exploring the new ‘Jails’, whilst utilising the Persona mechanics, such as owning multiple personas and fusing them together, that the franchise is known for, as enemies still retain weaknesses and stats which encourage you to use more strategy than just destroying enemies without any thought like a crazed madman. After being addicted to Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, I simply can’t wait to dive back into the world of Dynasty Warriors with the Phantom Thieves when the game launches this February (over a year since the game’s original Japanese launch!)
Considering we’re just one month into the new year, there are still many surprise game announcements around the corner that just leave the imagination thriving when thinking about the possibilities of what could come out. Whatever comes out this year, I’m looking forward to seeing what developers treat us to. Here’s another great year for games!
What are the games that you’re looking forward to this year? Please let me know.